Oregon pope and young records book black bear

Oregon archery state record black bear and trophy blacktails by rogue outfitters. American elk nontypical american elk typical bighorn sheep bison black bear grizzly bear mountain lion mule deer nontypical mule deer typical pronghorn antelope rocky mountain goat whitetail deer nontypical whitetail deer typical wyoming shiras moose. To be eligible for entry into the pope and young clubs records program, an animal must meet or exceed the. In first and foremost honoring the animal, each record book listing also recognizes. In first and foremost honoring the animal, each record book listing also recognizes a bowhunting achievement and celebrates all the times and efforts involved that culminated in that moment. Pope and young club names new worldrecord black bear. He knew right away he had taken a very large black bear.

Pope and young is proud to announce our 2020 conservation hunt drawing. This years hunt is a 10day allinclusive canadian safari from savage encounters. Official scores are of dry skulls, not green skulls. There are categories for rifle, archery, archery velvet, black powder, and shed antler. The minimum score requirements for entry into the northwest big game record books, for all four states we cover oregon, washington, idaho, and montana are listed below. New jersey black bear is new pope and young world record. Jeff melillos new pope and young world record black bear would also be. Jeff wasnt very surprised when people began to tell him he had a potential record book.

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